The Blockchain Carbon Exchange

Collective Opportunity to

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A Sustainable Future

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Introducing Carbon Exchange Protocol !

India-first Multi-Asset Carbon Credit Exchange on Blockchain

Carbon Credit Pools

Managing Carbon Credits is Resource Intensive

Time-Consuming and Challenging

Carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets, are a market-based mechanism aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. While they can play a role in mitigating climate change, there are several challenges associated with carbon credits. Here are three main challenges


Additionality and Integrity

Additionality and Integrity

One of the key challenges with carbon credits is ensuring additionality, which means verifying that the emission reduction projects funded by carbon credits would not have happened without the financial incentives provided by those credits. Additionality is crucial to ensure that carbon credits lead to real emission reductions beyond business-as-usual scenarios. Determining additionality can be complex and subjective, making it challenging to guarantee the integrity of carbon credits. Without robust additionality criteria and rigorous monitoring, there is a risk of double-counting or overestimating emission reductions

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One of the key challenges with carbon credits is ensuring additionality, which means verifying that the emission reduction projects funded by carbon credits would not have happened without the financial incentives provided by those credits. Additionality is crucial to ensure that carbon credits lead to real emission reductions beyond business-as-usual scenarios. Determining additionality can be complex and subjective, making it challenging to guarantee the integrity of carbon credits. Without robust additionality criteria and rigorous monitoring, there is a risk of double-counting or overestimating emission reductions


Measurement and Verification

Measurement and Verification

Accurately measuring and verifying emission reductions is another significant challenge. Estimating the emissions that would have occurred in the absence of a particular project (known as the baseline) and calculating the emissions reductions achieved can be complex, especially in sectors with multiple sources and complex supply chains. Measuring emissions accurately and consistently across different projects and locations is crucial for maintaining the credibility and effectiveness of carbon credits. The lack of standardized methodologies and varying measurement practices can lead to inconsistencies and doubts about the actual emissions reductions achieved

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Accurately measuring and verifying emission reductions is another significant challenge. Estimating the emissions that would have occurred in the absence of a particular project (known as the baseline) and calculating the emissions reductions achieved can be complex, especially in sectors with multiple sources and complex supply chains. Measuring emissions accurately and consistently across different projects and locations is crucial for maintaining the credibility and effectiveness of carbon credits. The lack of standardized methodologies and varying measurement practices can lead to inconsistencies and doubts about the actual emissions reductions achieved


Lack of Transparency

Lack of Transparency

The carbon credit market operates on the principle of trust and transparency. However, ensuring transparency and enforcing compliance can be challenging. There have been instances of fraudulent carbon credits being issued or the same credits being sold multiple times, leading to a lack of environmental integrity. Additionally, the verification process and project documentation can be complex, making it difficult for stakeholders to assess the validity of carbon credits. The absence of a centralized and standardized registry for carbon credits can also hinder transparency and make it challenging to track and trace the origin and ownership of credits

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The carbon credit market operates on the principle of trust and transparency. However, ensuring transparency and enforcing compliance can be challenging. There have been instances of fraudulent carbon credits being issued or the same credits being sold multiple times, leading to a lack of environmental integrity. Additionally, the verification process and project documentation can be complex, making it difficult for stakeholders to assess the validity of carbon credits. The absence of a centralized and standardized registry for carbon credits can also hinder transparency and make it challenging to track and trace the origin and ownership of credits

Carbon Credits and Blockchain

CarbonCredits Exchange on blockchain has the potential to create a more transparent, efficient, and sustainable market for carbon credits, which can benefit both the environment and the economy.

Carbon 3.0 Infrastructure

Leverage blockchain technology to secure carbon credit assets, both traded and non-traded. Key benefits of tokenization include increased liquidity, faster settlement, lower costs and bolstered risk management.

Improve Data Transparency

data permanence and immutability via provides reliable asset transaction history and verifications

data permanence and immutability via provides reliable asset transaction history and verifications

Program Your Carbon

smart contracts power tokens with unique qualities, custom fees, royalty and governance

smart contracts power tokens with unique qualities, custom fees, royalty and governance

Instant Settlements

tokenized carbon transactions settled in real-time vs weeks for traditional finance

tokenized carbon transactions settled in real-time vs weeks for traditional finance

Increase Liquidity

seamless and secure asset transfets recorded on blockchain

seamless and secure asset transfets recorded on blockchain


Infrastructure available out-of-box reduces upfront / running cost

Infrastructure available out-of-box reduces upfront / running cost


NFTs provide excellent form-factor to interact with on-chain data

NFTs provide excellent form-factor to interact with on-chain data

Tamper Proof

Data written is immutable and provides real-time verification

Data written is immutable and provides real-time verification


24x7x365 powered by blockchain with additional privacy controls

24x7x365 powered by blockchain with additional privacy controls


Open-APIs provide flexibility to integrate with business systems

Open-APIs provide flexibility to integrate with business systems

Technology and Business Partners

We work with leading organizations in the evolving Carbon and ESG Industry and leverage the collective Knowledge Capital to buidl and create purpose-driven technology and solutions for Positive Climate Action.



Knowledge Partner



Knowledge Partner



Carbon Registry









DeepTech Mentor


